How to edit and delete checkbook transactions

All handwritten checks, deposits, and EFT's can be edited or deleted at any time.

To edit a posted bank transaction:

  • Navigate to Banking > Checkbook
  • Scroll down to the checkbook history
  • Select the pencil icon on the right side of the line item
  • Once the edit window opens, edit the information and click "Update".

To delete a posted bank transaction:

  • Navigate to Banking > Checkbook
  • Scroll down to the checkbook history
  • Select the trash can icon on the right side of the line item
  • You will be prompted with an alert asking "Are you sure you want to delete this transaction?".  Click "Yes".

Note: Deleting a transaction is not reversible.

In between the pencil and trash can icons, there is a void icon which is represented by a circle with a line through it. This will void the transaction and create a voided reversing entry on the date the void occurred. Voided checkbook transactions can not be edited or deleted from the banking tab. To edit a voided checkbook transaction, view How to edit and delete a voided checkbook transaction.

If the pencil and trash can icon are not visible, this is because the transaction has already been cleared during the reconciliation process. To edit a cleared transaction, the closed reconciliation period will need to be reopened first. To reopen a closed reconciliation period, view How to reopen a closed rec period.